Pro-Choice For Abortion Essay

Abortion Against abortion Health

Pro-Choice For Abortion Essay

Abortion has been around since ancient times. It’s an endlessly debatable subject and everybody has their own opinion. I feel that whatever your beliefs every woman should have the right to abortion.

I believe that the child doesn’t actually become a person with rights until they are affected by the world. Meaning that they don’t become a person until they come out of their mother and experience the world for the first time. The question of when does a fetus become a child is very important in this debate.

According to, Life begins at conception. It states that, “Medical textbooks and scientific works consistently agree that human life begins at conception.” We don’t consider an egg a chicken, or a seed a plant. If human life begins at conception then why does the Encyclopedia of Britannica say that abortion is, “The expulsion of a fetus from the uterus before it had reached the stage of viability (in humans the 20th week of gestation).

In 1869 Canada passed a law which banned abortion with a penalty of life in prison. Physicians, not citizens led the battle against abortion in England, the US and Canada. They were trying to protect women’s health but it only resulted in illegal and unsafe abortion practices. If the right to abortion is taken away then it is inevitable that history will repeat itself. Especially in today’s world, if a woman wanted an abortion that badly she would find someone to do it illegally and unsafely.

Whatever your beliefs shouldn’t the woman still be able to make her own choice for abortion? Andy Lewis from Capitalism Magazine wrote that, “As a women has a right to chose who she has sex with (as her body is her property), so it is a woman’s right to chose what can and cannot remain inside her body (as her body is her property). As it is evil for someone else to dictate the use of her body by raping her, so it is evil for someone to dictate the use of her body by forcing her to remain pregnant.” Pregnancy is not something a woman chooses to happen. Some people are careless with contraceptives, but why take away that choice from others because a few were careless. It’s too huge of a decision for careless people to ruin it for the people who truly want and need an abortion.

Many websites or groups will try to persuade you into either pro-life or pro-choice. If you’re thinking about either one of them, at the end of the day just make the decision for yourself. Not for your boyfriend or mother. Make it for you. The bottom line is that any woman should be able to have that choice, a choice that no one can take away from her.

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