My Ambition


My Ambition

Living in the modern world, a person really needs to know what he wants to do. In order to lead a meaningful and colorful life, everyone needs an ambition. If one does not have an ambition, he will be like a ship sailing on the wide sea blindly. That is why I have made up my mind to become a reporter since my childhood.

When I was a little girl, I often daydreamed. If I were a reporter, everything would be great.

I could get the latest information and report the news to the world on TV. When I walked on the street, people would recognize me and probably would shout “ OH, my god! That’s she-the perfect reporter!” Then I would feel proud of myself. In my childhood, I often stood in front of the mirror and encouraged myself, “ Hi! Girl, you have a perfect face, graceful manners and active personality. You will be good at your job. You will become a reporter, an outstanding reporter!” As time goes by, I never change my mind.

Besides, I’ll learn the techniques of famous reporters on TV. In short, being a reporter is my greatest dream, my ambition, I’ll train myself to make it come true. With my efforts, I really hope I’ll become an outstanding reporter some day.

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